Six More Mystery and Thriller Shows I’ve Enjoyed, And the Discovery of My Kevin Bacon
I’m back with five more mystery and thriller shows I enjoyed watching recently(ish), plus a BONUS NUMBER SIX. 😉 This is a post I thought I’d written—the list was already in my blog post file!—and yet, here I am sharing it (mumble, mumble) months later. That’s okay because they’re not going anywhere. Most are from the 2020s, but one is ten-plus years old. We watched on a mix of streaming services and (gasp!) DVDs. Some of you remember those, right? (Brace yourself for an admission of even older tech use below.) As always, your mileage may vary, and you can Read more…
Five Mystery and Thriller Shows I’ve Enjoyed Lately(ish)
I refuse to look at a calendar and calculate how long it’s been since I’ve shared a blog post, but the impending-ness of 2024 finally got me off my tuchus. (Bet you’ve always wanted to know how to spell tuchus—you’re welcome.) It seems like a good time to share Five Shows before the 2024 season rolls around. (And, honestly, before I forget about them. In that vein, I have another Five Shows semi-queued up; we’ll see if I actually post it before 2023 gives us the middle finger. 😉) These programs aren’t necessarily The Best Viewing Entertainment of All Time, Read more…
Five Mystery and Thriller Shows Grabbing my Attention Lately
How’s it going, Reader Peeps? I’m feeling a little scattered, a little behind, but we all are this time of year, right? Please say yes. 😂 You know, with the holidays, the plague of the moment… Here in East Hawaii, add in two simultaneously erupting volcanic eruptions that are maybe hopefully not so active right now, but still help create voggy skies and a roof full of starving solar panels. All in all, it is definitely a recipe for distraction. If you’re going to be distracted like me, you might as well have something fun to watch. By fun, I Read more…