Female Sleuths Giveaway! And Testing My Brain for Aliens

Another quick post this time around because I’m up to my eyeballs in tech troubleshooting and advertising dashboards and promotional fun bits (more on that momentarily).

I’ve also been battling a “bug” for a while—the much milder return of whatever knocked me flat a few months ago. Nothing major, but it has slowed me down just enough to make sure I fall completely behind.

I did the responsible thing last week and got tested to be safe. It turns out I don’t have Covid-19. Apparently another microbe said, Oh, so Covid comes back? Hold my culture flask. (Joke for the science geeks out there.)

Here in Hawaii County, Civil Defense emails every day with the latest Covid case numbers and free testing locations, but my Kaiser insurance also covers drive-up testing at their facility by appointment.

I pulled into a parking bay and was given a goodie bag (no chocolates or novelty condoms, just tissues and a cotton swab). A woman in multiple layers of PPE coached me through my closed car window—blow your nose, then shove the monster Q-Tip up your nostril until you hit your brain. I’m kidding! It wasn’t actually that bad. In fact, the worst part was overcoming the horror of using the same swab for both nostrils. 😱

I’m sharing because I know not everyone has been exposed (no pun intended) to significant rates of infection in their home towns and everything that entails. But most of us probably will be by the end of the year.

I also know people talk themselves out of all kinds of medical tests for all kinds of reasons.

If there’s a possibility you’ve been infected and you’re fortunate enough to have access to testing, your testing experience will undoubtedly be different from mine. But it won’t be that bad. And isn’t it worth the peace of mind of knowing you won’t inadvertently take out your elderly neighbor Mr. Ginley, or his immune-compromised granddaughter, when you help him haul his trash to the curb?

Okay, I’m off my soapbox and on to the main event: free reads for the weekend!

Welcome to the Crime Sisters Giveaway.

Click to see books (including my own Secrets in Stockbridge) that range from cozy to dark, but all of the books in this event feature strong (and possibly sassy) female sleuths, and all of them are free. But only until October 20, 2020, so grab some adventures now!

Note: some authors will ask for your email address in return, but you can unsubscribe whenever you’d like.

One last thing… I’ve jumped into so many promotions with so many authors this month, I’ve gathered them on one page. You can see them all here, including a Halloween-themed one that starts soon… mwah-ha-hah!

Have a great weekend, everyone!
