Continuity, In Fiction and In Life

Happy Writer News: the Prodigal manuscript goes to the copy editor this weekend. Woo hoo! I finished my own last pass yesterday, and I’m just wrapping up beta reader feedback. I’ll be interested to see if my editor finds any continuity issues. Continuity is always a bugaboo for me. For example. during Prodigal’s rough draft, I once started the day by writing a chapter in a different house. Let me be clear: I was still in the same house. My characters changed houses from the scene I’d drafted the day before. 😜 I’ve also joked about devoting a single massive Read more…

Subtleties of Setting: How Do I Avoid Triggering–or Creating–Stereotypes?

After high school, I went to a small, liberal arts college in Massachusetts (go Ephs!) that prided itself on diversity of every kind. This included geographic diversity, with students hailing from every state and a butt-load of countries. (A butt-load is a lot, by the way.) I always joked that I was the token West Virginian, but there was one other person from West Virginia in my class. We never actually met, so I don’t know if we were related. See, that’s the kind of joke you can make if you’re from West Virginia. (Or Kentucky; the token Kentuckian and I Read more…

Are You (Or Is Your Favorite Character) a Pottymouth? The Answer Might Surprise You…

I had an interesting experience recently that I wanted to share. I submitted Back to Lazarus to a promotional site that gives featured books a Content Rating, sort of like a movie in theaters. Instead of simply saying it’s All Readers or Adult or whatever, the site also explains why the book got the rating. The rating is based on information provided by the book’s author in a detailed questionnaire that covers everything from crude humor to sex to violence to use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. The whole thing is done in a very non-judgy way with the sole purpose of Read more…

Writer’s Little Helpers (Not That Kind), and an Addendum to Last Week’s Post

This week… yeah. Wow. I generally don’t talk politics on the blog, and I won’t start today, but not acknowledging that this has been a momentous week would be dishonest. Whether you’re elated or devastated or somewhere in between, I suspect many if not all of us are feeling pretty wrung out by the past year, coupled with the release of a burden being lifted. Since I’m being honest, I’ll share that I figure every day this week I managed to put on pants (albeit yoga pants) and not put vodka on my cereal or eat grass (wait—the dogs do that) Read more…

November Brings the Crazy with NaNoWriMo!

You know how you’re standing in line behind someone at the post office, or maybe waiting for an appointment, or for someone to serve your beverage of choice, and you overhear a story that ends something along the lines of, I’m telling you, you can’t make this shit up. Well, just in case you’ve never had the experience… I’ve shared before that rural east Hawaii has a hint of Wild West flavor. We live in a development (using the term loosely) where everyone is on catchment water (i.e., if it doesn’t rain, you don’t shower), where electricity poles run down Read more…