The Latest Sydney Brennan Book is Live; Win a $25 Ebook Gift Card to Celebrate!
River Bound, the sixth Sydney Brennan book, is now available as an ebook! (Fingers crossed, the paperback may be available by the time you read this or shortly thereafter.) Woo hoo! Happy writer dance! A novella, River Bound is a quick, fast-paced story that’s perfect for taking a break from all the holiday crazy by reading about someone else’s pretend, life-threatening crazy. 😉 You can find out more about it here, or purchase it at these retailers: Buy From: Amazon US/UK/CA |  Kobo |  Nook |  iBooks |  Smashwords |  Scribd |  Inktera |  24Symbols  [For other stores try this Universal Link] Read more…
A Sneak Peek at the New Sydney Brennan Book, and a Quick Dive into the World of Dialect
The latest Sydney Brennan, River Bound, is well on its way to hitting your hands and ereaders before Christmas. The manuscript is in its third and final copy edit pass, with my editor and I currently engaged in a profanity hyphenation debate (smart-ass or smartass, with both of us arguing both sides). And I haven’t forgotten you Luddites (I say that lovingly, having spent last weekend moving heavily laden bookshelves)—the paperback cover is on order. I mentioned before that I’m not setting a solid release date. This time of year, there’s a bit of spinning-the-wheel quality to when non-Preorder books Read more…
Bookends, in Stories and in Life
I am so tired. Which isn’t exactly cause for alarm. It is, after all, Friday. The week—make that the past weeks—have caught up with me. Okay, before you zone out (this is going to be one of those whiny posts, isn’t it?), I have a PAA, Public Author’s Announcement. If you emailed me in the past couple of weeks and you do not get a response this weekend, I probably didn’t receive your email. Sorry. Apparently my webmail took a leave of absence, i.e. broke, while I was traveling. A few emails did get forwarded to another account and I’ll Read more…
Postcards from Dead Hollow Land
I think I mentioned last post that I’d be doing some traveling. I am now in No Internet Land–my cell phone won’t even pick up my email. Well, not now at this precise moment. We’ve made a coffee shop pilgrimage (to another state) for “emergency wifi.” While I’m here, I thought I’d share some pretty pictures. Yesterday, we were fortunate to have a chilly but beautiful day for a train excursion in West Virginia. That’s right–we’re in Dead Hollow land! And I’m taking notes for Book Three of the trilogy. The train traveled through The Trough, a narrow space between Read more…
Mystery and Thriller Ebook and Ereader Giveaway!
I mentioned last week that I’ve got a lot of balls in the air, and I’m tossing one at you today. (Did I lose the metaphor?) This is technically my off week here at the Blog, but I wanted to make sure everyone saw this in case you’re not on my email list (why aren’t you?) and you missed it on Facebook. I’ve teamed up with over 50 amazing mysteries and thriller authors to give away a huge collection of novels, short stories, and more – 100% FREE! And, you’ll also have a chance to win a Kindle Fire or Read more…