Cleaning a Kitchen Drawer Near You… The Manic Writer

I may need an intervention. Remember how I mentioned going to a writers’ conference a couple of weeks ago? Ever since, I’ve had this slightly manic energy humming through my veins. Sleeping light, brain whizzing, tapping my fingers on whatever is handy when the remainder of my body is at rest. (I know, rude, but it’s only in my own home, and at least I have basic rhythm. Though The Infanta by The Decemberists does sometimes hang me up.) This energy has persisted despite unrelenting snotty weather, days so cool I’ve sat at my keyboard with my hood up like Read more…

Raise Your Hand if You Love Stories! Plus, An Announcement…

Hey, guess what… It’s Friday. Blog post day. [Rushes to microphone because if Dragon doesn’t fritz too much, it’s faster than typing.] In my defense, I knew it was Friday a few hours ago, but then it slipped my mind beneath a cascade of urgent To Dos. And beneath the weight of lingering jet lag. I went to a writers’ conference in Austin over the weekend and returned Wednesday night. I’ll be honest—the travel part reminded me there’s a reason I don’t often leave “the rock.” I took a redeye flight to the mainland Saturday night, and one of my Read more…

Do You Want Horror in Your Fiction, or Is Life Scary Enough?

It starts innocently enough. A little movement around the edge of the sink, maybe an impromptu gathering under your sponge? In a few hours, you go back and look. Hunh. Are you sure they were actually there? Maybe they’re just not active in the afternoon. Or perhaps you’re a little sleep-deprived thanks to a late-night allergy attack and have eyes full of floaters (you know, those little buggers that make you look back and forth, back and forth, and maybe swat if no one’s looking, trying to decide if you’re crazy or a bug-infested Pigpen). But the signs mount. You’re Read more…

The Procrastinating Writer’s Friday Five List Comes to a February Near You…

I could really use a business manager. A bunch of other things too (a masseuse, a chef, a self-cleaning dog bed or three, etc.), but lately a business manager is near the top of list. Well, maybe not a business manager per se, just a businessey-type person who—unlike my husband—doesn’t have another job. Admin type things keep catching up with me and piling on, burying me like wet sand. For example, I have a writers conference coming up in less than a month. In theory, I’m excited about it, but I haven’t had time to devote single neuron to preparing. Read more…

Survey Results, and a Solemn Promise Not to Write a Were Bear Mystery

Do the rest of you get some kind of magic energy infusion with the New Year? A zip and a zing when you flip the page into January? If so, can you tell me where to get it? Assuming it’s not illegal in Hawaii (or let’s just say not strictly enforced here). Over the past week or two, I had hoped to revisit my Business Plan (maybe an initial visit— have I done a Business Plan?), come up with a Production Schedule, clear off my desk, and just generally <ahem> Get My Shit Together. Instead, crabby and hunched with an Read more…