When I’m Not Writing… A Pack Update

Check it out—me reviewing the Braving the Boneyard paperback proof at the beach recently. Yes, that is what passes for a beach in East Hawaii: a handful of black sand over hard lava rock, with a smattering of ironwood needles. (Which is why I didn’t stay there very long, lying on my thin pirate towel.) That means, barring anything crazy, you should be able to purchase the paperback from Amazon sometime next week. In the meantime, you can get a better look at the full cover on my Boneyard Pinterest Board. Careful readers will notice that we (my cover designer Read more…

Paperback Possession, Brownie Exorcisms, and a Mini Magpie Moment

Good news—Braving the Boneyard is available for preorder at Kobo! The ebook will be popping up everywhere else (Amazon, iBooks, Nook, etc.) on release day: May 19, 2016. Kobo’s process was so easy, and much more flexible about how far out you could post, so I figured… why not? Next book, I’ll try to hit them all. The paperback, on the other hand, has been my cross. My albatross (except I really like seabirds). Last week, I thought I’d finished the template for my cover designer, but there were some pdf issues, and I had to start over. Then there were even Read more…

Suffering for our Art: the Dreaded Bleeding Eyes (Formatting) Syndrome

This week’s blog post will be brief because I’m bleeding out my eyes and I forgot to put the keyboard protector on my laptop. Bleeding out my eyes, people! Not really—bleeding would imply there’s some kind of fluid left in my ocular organs. No, the damage isn’t from watching coverage of the vitriolic presidential primaries. Instead, I’ve been formatting my brains out. I should start with the good news. My copy editor finished her final pass this week, so everything remains on schedule for the May 19, 2016, release of Braving the Boneyard. Woo hoo! But that means I suddenly Read more…

Last Chance to Win Braving the Boneyard! (And Friday Kvetching)

If you’re reading this post the day it goes live, today is your last chance to enter the Braving the Boneyard ebook Giveaway! In other words, you best be clicking over there now! The winners should hear from me by Monday, so watch your email. I need confirmation from winners that there are actual human beings that want a book at the provided email addresses within 48 hours, or I’ll move on to the next person on the list. I’ll announce the winners in next Friday’s blog post (surname initial only, so no need to feel shy). I’ll also be doing a Braving Read more…

The Blog Takes an Early Weekend… Sort Of

           My laptop has been a little sluggish lately (aren’t we all?), and right now I’m in as much of a lull as I’m going to get, so yesterday I took it in to the local Mac place for a diagnostic. I figured, I’ll drop it off, run some errands, pick it up in an hour or two and be out a little chunk of cash but richer in peace of mind. Yeah, not so much, at least on the timeframe. “It’ll be a day or two.” [gulp] “You mean like twenty-four hour earth days?” If I’d realized Read more…