Cultural Context, and Being a Little More Southern for the Holidays
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I publish a blog post every Friday, but—unless life gets crazy and I’m super busy—I actually write it the day before, on Thursday. I prefer to avoid the day-of pressure, especially since I’m five or six hours behind the U.S. East coast timezone-wise. That means right now I’m sitting at my desk, on a sort of holiday, staring at the screen, saying, Huh. Usually just in my mind, but occasionally out loud. So expect a lot of meandering today. 😉 Oh, except I do want to let you know that Read more…
Ain’t No Cure for the Post-Performance Funk
Today, I thought I’d tell you a little story, hopefully one I haven’t told you before. As with all my stories about anything that happened longer ago than yesterday, it comes with the Jimmy Buffett caveat, it’s “A Semi-True Story.” In other words, the years tend to make for a better story, but the accuracy of the details tends to suffer. I was in Band growing up, the kind with polyester uniforms, halftime shows, and folding chairs, not the kind with groupies, torn clothes (except once, in a wardrobe malfunction, my polyester pants), and screaming fans. It began when we gathered Read more…
Is There a Jet Ski Thief in the House?
You’re probably wondering when I’ll stop talking about writing Prodigal (the first book in my new series). That would be in about a week and a half, when I finish it. (The rough draft anyway.) That kind of boggles my mind, that I’ve been able to stick to my schedule (a minor miracle in itself) after losing a few weeks to a fritzing laptop. And I’m still feeling really good about it. My workspace is deteriorating a bit as I get closer to the end (past 70K words now, and the Post-Its are like confetti), but my mind is not Read more…
Friday Five: The Random Research Edition
I’m happy to report I’m still chugging away and still on schedule to finish the draft of Prodigal (Dead Hollow Trilogy Book 1) by the end of the month. And by next week, I promise I’ll come up with a different working and scheduling metaphor. 😉 I did have a few slowdown moments this week. The orange cones came out when I reached a point in my loose outline that said, “Something else happens here.” Seriously. That’s what it said. Told you it was a loose outline. But I’m happy with my solution, and I managed to catch up my Read more…
Help Wanted: Rough-Drafting Writer’s DJ
Thanks to a week free of tech, weather (fingers crossed for you guys on the U.S. East Coast), or other calamities, things remain on schedule with Prodigal. Yep, the first draft train for the first book in the new series is still chugging down the tracks. And yes, I am making woo-woo train noises as I type this, and maybe wiggling a little. I’m hitting the halfway-point today and will have a rough draft in time for Halloween. Though I probably won’t have a costume because of that whole Drafting Tunnelvision thing. Despite the lack of costumes, I cannot tell Read more…