The Joys of Travel (Sarcasm Alert), and Grounding a Story in Both Time and Place
You ever wonder if travel is worth it? We must forget the trauma within a few days, or no one would ever leave the house. I’m still catching up and a little jet-lagged, but we made it back from New Orleans! Honestly, the return trip was okay, but getting to the mainland was fairly horrendous. A red-eye is never pleasant, but it’s even worse when a certain airline (no names, but it’s a synonym for together) squeezes you into teeny tiny seats with no legroom even for the vertically challenged folks like me. Then my husband and I had separate Read more…
Giveaway Winner(ish), and Traveling with Sydney
We have a Dead Hollow Audiobook Series Winner! Sort of. But not quite officially… As of writing this post, I’m still waiting for an email reply confirmation from the lucky reader who won the entire series on audiobook. That means if you entered, check your email! If I don’t get a response by Monday, I’ll choose another random winner. Which bring us back to, check your email. And if you missed the Giveaway, you can find out more about the supernatural thriller audiobook series here. UPDATE: Congratulations to our Winner, Grace H. of Tennessee! That pseudo-resolved, I’ll keep this post Read more…
The Solution for Troublesome Timelines? Driving Epiphanies and Cheap Therapy
Last blog post, I confessed that I have no future in professional landscaping. Well, I have a confession of a different sort today. I know — all writers with blogs know — that our readers don’t care how we write. Much like a gemstone or a perfect meal, you/we (because writers are also readers) don’t want to hear about the millions of years of pressure, the raw ingredients (especially if they’re eggs), or the hours of staring at the screen. We just want the dazzling results on our finger, our plate, or our #TBR (To Be Read list). And yet, Read more…
Giveaway Winner and Where Things Stand, Including the Slightest Smidge of Sydney Brennan Tease
Congratulations to T.F. from California, the winner of the Sydney Brennan Investigations mug from last blog post’s Giveaway! If you entered and didn’t win, better luck next time. And there will be a next time. I’ll be giving away more Syd and Dead Hollow goodies over the coming months, some just to my Reader Group (that’s a plug to sign up for my monthly newsletter), but others will be for everyone so watch this space. I’ll also be gathering those designs into a little Swag Shop, so if you can’t wait to win something or know you [Eeyore voice] never win Read more…
To Celebrate International PI Day, how about some Free Sydney Brennan Swag?
Hey Mystery and Thriller Fans! Did you know International PI Day was this week? Pipe down math geeks–not Pi Day, which would be March 14th. Instead, Tuesday was International Private Investigator (P.I.) Day. I usually do a blog post, but this year I thought we’d do something fun to celebrate. But first, let me get a quick bit of housekeeping out of the way. If you thought you saw a post a few days ago, say on Facebook or Twitter or in your Inbox… yeah, about that. I’m traveling this week and have had some tech issues trying to embed Read more…