Happy News, about the Next Sydney Brennan Book and (Maybe) My Sanity

So I hear it’s Friday again. Huh. How about that? 😳 At the risk of sounding like a broken record, apologies for being somewhat digitally absent. Our internet has been down A LOT lately (still waiting for a service call after six days) and I can’t easily tuck my desktop under my arm and head to a coffee shop. But I do have good news to share… The next Sydney Brennan adventure, Grave Truth, has been through its beta read (be thankful my blog post isn’t about that whole world of tech horror). Not only that, after positive feedback and Read more…

A Sydney Brennan Cover Reveal (or Two), with a Tangent (or Two)

I’m dog-wrangling (the basics: poo, pee, and food), dodging internet-killing heavy bands of rain, and up to my eyeballs in edits (eyeball height is about 60K words, but I’ve cut a couple K), so I’m going to keep this post short and sweet. Like me. Fine. Sweet-ish. Tangent for Writer’s PSA/Confession: I am currently a Lousy Correspondent. Apologies to everyone who has emailed/FBed me lately. Thanks to unreliable evening internet and MY LIFE I am so far behind. But I will get to you. Because I am sweet-ish. Back to our regularly scheduled program… The Cover Reveal. I made a Read more…

Status of the next Sydney Brennan Book, with the Worst Teaser Ever—Guaranteed!

You may have noticed my absence from the Blog lately. And Facebook, and email, and everything except our brief the dog must poop walk. Like everyone else, I’ve been riding out the summer heat and random life bumps and curves and other things that sound sexy but make you carsick. And I’ve been battling internet demons (the ones that make your router say it’s working when it never is, not the ones that chant in tongues). But mostly, I’ve been hunkered down, writing/re-writing. Which brings me to my good news—Syd #7, The Grave Truth, is chugging down the tracks! Chugging, Read more…

Just When You Thought it was Gone… The Friday Five, the Ultimate Zombie Post

I wrapped up the rough draft of Sydney #7 today—woo hoo! Consequently, this seemed an appropriate week for the return of the Friday Five. If you don’t remember, these are grab bag posts with odd little snippets of research and writing and life in general that are interesting, but not individually worthy of a full post. (For this installment, everything comes from the past week, so I didn’t have to dig very deep to resurrect it.) We’ll start with research for the latest book. 1) It doesn’t just look cool… I was checking something about Spanish moss when I came Read more…

The Joys of Travel (Sarcasm Alert), and Grounding a Story in Both Time and Place

You ever wonder if travel is worth it? We must forget the trauma within a few days, or no one would ever leave the house. I’m still catching up and a little jet-lagged, but we made it back from New Orleans! Honestly, the return trip was okay, but getting to the mainland was fairly horrendous. A red-eye is never pleasant, but it’s even worse when a certain airline (no names, but it’s a synonym for together) squeezes you into teeny tiny seats with no legroom even for the vertically challenged folks like me. Then my husband and I had separate Read more…