What a Good Girl Am I (But Apparently Not Good Enough)
As frenetic as the energy can be leading up to the Christmas holiday, I love the days afterward when everything seems to slow down. (Except the hopping party at a neighbor’s house last night; the cops silenced their thumping bass just before 3 a.m.) I was apparently a very good girl this year because various Santas gave me a stack of yummy books I can’t wait to devour. I haven’t started them yet. First, because a library book demanded my attention, and second, because… I don’t know why. I’m a doofus. Or because I have a big editing itch now, Read more…
Pacing: Why You Should be Glad You Don’t Live in a Novel
I may have mentioned I’m working on edits for the Panacea novel now (still untitled, but I’m deciding this week—I swear!). I’ve always goggled at the writers who say they love revising, that it’s the reward they get for slogging through the first draft. Nothing could be farther from my own (admittedly limited) experience. There are certainly challenging moments, times when I’m not sure how to move forward, but overall the first draft is what I live for—that feeling of discovery, the moment a character or plot twist surprises even me, the elation when I’m in the flow and my Read more…
Where is the Cutesie Novel-Naming Book for Expectant Authors? Reader Poll
With the Secrets in Stockbridge novella now out there making its way in the world, I’m about to dig in on the edits for the second full-length novel. I’ve had ideas for the cover rolling around in the back of my mind for months, and I’ve even browsed stock photo images. Unfortunately, I don’t have my cover designer’s magic touch on the search engine. I know what I want; I just can’t find it. (And yes, it may include a gator–mwah ha ha!) There is one other little thing holding me up on cover design… the title of the book. You’ve probably noticed Read more…
Not That Stockbridge: Setting in the Latest Sydney Brennan Installment
The title of my latest novella, Secrets in Stockbridge, refers to the small town in Upstate New York where the bulk of the story takes place. But is it a real place? It feels real enough in my mind, for whatever that’s worth. You may find it on a map. Since it’s the holiday season, perhaps you’ve even heard it immortalized in song. Yesterday my husband returned from a morning drive bursting with the realization that Alice’s Restaurant, of Arlo Guthrie Thanksgiving fame, is in Stockbridge. (Apologies if I just planted an ear worm; if I didn’t, you’ve obviously never heard Read more…
Dude, Where’s My Book? And Other Monday Technology Tales…
Lest you think you are the only one who has those kinds of Mondays, the ones where you should never be let within arm’s length of power tools or the internet, let me reassure you. We are of the same tribe. If you’re a regular blog reader, you probably know my novella Secrets in Stockbridge was released over the weekend. Sort of. I spent way too much time troubleshooting updated ebook back matter links in SIS and BTL, with the trouble emerging unscathed. Apparently Amazon and Apple are having a tiff, and I still haven’t figured what’s going on with Read more…