Magpie Moments: A Cute Car with a Cockney Accent
I’m in the throes of planning for upcoming travel while watching lava and possibly a hurricane (i.e. real-life dramas), and the conclusion of the second Sydney Brennan novel (not real-life, but so much more dramatic—I promise!), so I’m going to keep this Magpie Moments installment short and sweet. Like Sydney’s car. I’d left my car in the carport, but Cecil, a light blue Volkswagon Cabrio, didn’t take up much room. Back to Lazarus, Chapter 21 And later in the book… “Cecil shouldn’t give you any problems either.” “Cecil?” “Yes, my car’s name is Cecil, and he speaks with a cockney Read more…
Magpie Moments: Origins of Character Nicknames
Time for another Magpie Moments post, peeks behind the scenes where I’ve scavenged bits of real life for my fiction. Continuing with the theme of names, this time I thought I’d share the origins of one of Sydney’s nicknames. “If trouble starts, it’s usually because she brought it with her,” [Richard] said, pointing at me. “Little Miss Tempest in a Teapot.” Back to Lazarus, Chapter 39 My first job as a licensed attorney was for a Legal Aid office in Lafayette, LA. It was relatively small—just a few each of attorneys, paralegals, secretaries and admin-type people—considering it provided services to Read more…
Magpie Moments: Contest Winner, and Being a Brennan Fangirl
We’ve been exploring names lately on the weekly Magpie Moments Post, most recently that of my protagonist Sydney Brennan. Last week, we established that “Sydney” came from my childhood pen name. Congratulations to Lissa Weddington for deducing the origins of “Brennan” and winning a signed paperback of BTL! For lawyers that spend much time thinking about constitutional law, handicapping a Supreme Court case is a lot like handicapping a sporting event. Each justice has his or her strengths and weaknesses, pet issues and hot buttons. There are some swing voters (though not so much lately) that can go either way, Read more…
Win a Paperback of Back to Lazarus Now on Magpie Moments: The (Name) Origin Story
“… This is Sydney Brennan. So she says. I haven’t decided what her real name is yet.” I tried not to cringe. I changed my name legally over a decade ago, but it still felt like a deep, dark secret I could be arrested for. Oh, the irony if he managed to guess my real name. I stammered a “nice to meet you.” Back to Lazarus, Richard introducing Sydney to his secretary, Chapter 10 She may not have been born with that name, but I never thought my private investigator would be called anything other than Sydney Brennan. I’ve probably Read more…
Magpie Moments: A Character (or Place) by any Other Name
One of the things that’s driven me crazy lately in Sydney#2 (the unfinished untitled novel, not the novella that’s in edits) is geography. Instead of sticking with north Florida as it actually is, I’ve kept some real places and added a bunch of my own. Sometimes I’ll have a real place in mind and change its name to protect the guilty. More often, I have created a place in my mind that is a combination of multiple real places, with some fictional flourishes. For example, my city might have the architecture of old Saint Augustine, the attitude of South Beach, Read more…