Magpie Moments: Chilling at St. George Island
Time for another installment of Magpie Moments, sort of. In this case, I haven’t stolen a specific bit of experience, but rather just a sense of place. I slid my butt forward until my slouching form barely remained in the chair and sighed. “Right now, I’m worn out. I’ve been beaten up, shot at, and lost my best underwear. It’s time for a little retail therapy, maybe a few days at the coast with a good book. I’m heading home, boys.” “Now?” Mike asked. He might be reading me too well. “If I leave now, I’ll be home in time Read more…
Magpie Moments: Driving Under the Influence of Thinking
I felt we were due for another Magpie Moments today, my occasional series sharing bits of real life that I’ve hoarded, magpie-like, for use in my fiction. I have a few things in mind from the upcoming The Perils of Panacea, but it seems unfair to share something from a novel you haven’t read yet, especially when these little bits are often much more than background or window dressing. (The Panacea release is March of 2015; I’ll announce the date shortly.) But since this sort of falls in the background category, and is found in both novels… I’d rather drive Read more…
Abject Apologies, and More Food on Magpie Moments
I know, I know; I am a bad, delinquent blogger. I have not posted since my last Magpie Moments. Let the floggings begin. I am actually bursting with things to share with you, from my return to Florida and my first book signing and my return to Hawaii, but these things will have to wait. This is a week of deadlines. On the bright side, I just finished going through the Secrets in Stockbridge novella with my editor. Woo hoo—on schedule! On the won’t-it-look-bright-a-week-from-now side, Sydney #3 is due to another editor on Saturday. And I have a magazine article Read more…
A very special Magpie Moments to Rot Your Teeth and Clog Your Arteries
This is a very special episode of Magpie Moments. Don’t worry—unlike the sitcoms of the 1980s, “very special episode” doesn’t mean you’ll learn an important lesson about how to treat people who are different from you, nor will anyone be stricken by a disease we should all know about. When I say “very special,” it usually means chocolate is involved. At first I thought she’d left, but when I rose from my own chair I could see her silhouette through the screen door, settling down on the concrete front steps. I crossed to the fridge, retrieved a baggie of fresh Read more…
Magpie Moments: The Power of the Magic Black Brew
My blog schedule is a bit off right now while I’m traveling, but I’m bringing you a Magpie Moments post with the hopes of having something more visually interesting for you later in the week. Maybe a little caffeine would help me accomplish that goal. Which is, of course, my not-so-subtle transition to the subject of my post. ☕ I am a big fan of the various shades of Black Brew, and of the places where you purchase it, i.e. coffee and coffee shops. Our “company” hot coffee is our favorite locally grown Kaū coffee. Cold-drip Louisiana coffee with chicory Read more…