Friday Five: The Random Research Edition

I’m happy to report I’m still chugging away and still on schedule to finish the draft of Prodigal (Dead Hollow Trilogy Book 1) by the end of the month. And by next week, I promise I’ll come up with a different working and scheduling metaphor. 😉 I did have a few slowdown moments this week. The orange cones came out when I reached a point in my loose outline that said, “Something else happens here.” Seriously. That’s what it said. Told you it was a loose outline. But I’m happy with my solution, and I managed to catch up my Read more…

Help Wanted: Rough-Drafting Writer’s DJ

Thanks to a week free of tech, weather (fingers crossed for you guys on the U.S. East Coast), or other calamities, things remain on schedule with Prodigal. Yep, the first draft train for the first book in the new series is still chugging down the tracks. And yes, I am making woo-woo train noises as I type this, and maybe wiggling a little. I’m hitting the halfway-point today and will have a rough draft in time for Halloween. Though I probably won’t have a costume because of that whole Drafting Tunnelvision thing. Despite the lack of costumes, I cannot tell Read more…

Progress Report for Prodigal, and Cover Reveal

I’m glad to report things are chugging along on Prodigal, the first book in my new thriller trilogy. (No, those are not my hairy arms, but I appreciate the sentiment on the mug.) I’m still bumping up against the occasional tech annoyance, authorizing apps and software and devices that think I have a new computer, but at this rate—since I have Drafting Tunnelvision (don’t forget the booming voice) and only fix things when I absolutely have to—I’ll be clicking “authorize” into the new year. I’m also feeling a little scattered about setting up the editing and other bits and bobs, but Read more…

My No Whining Credo, and Details on the Work in Progress

Last week, I shared some of my tales of woe, particularly of the technological kind. Don’t worry—this week, no more whining! (Although I did get a lot of very kind, positive feedback. Thank you, but remember the signs, people—don’t feed the writer.) I might even put my new credo on a Post-It on my laptop. The laptop I now have possession of—fingers crossed—after an additional multi-day diagnostic. See! This is why I need the Post-It credo, to keep me on the no-whining straight and narrow. To that end, I’m going to peel back the curtain a bit and share why Read more…