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Here you’ll find progress on current books, behind-the-scenes insight and story inspiration, as well peeks at my life on rural, (usually) rainy East Hawaii Island.

The Blog Menu Dropdown highlights three categories, Hawaii Life (pretty self-explanatory), Stories I Love (also pretty self-explanatory, but includes books, movies, and TV), and Magpie Moments (bits I snatched from real life and incorporated, magpie-like, into my fiction).

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Emergency Preparedness, Gastropod Style

As I confessed to folks in my Newsletter—which was sent a day late—this has been one of those sluggish weeks for me. (Gastropod folks, please forgive the conflation of snail pics and slug metaphors.) I am far too lethargic to saddle my words with extraneous letters (colour? really?), but the Brits have many other quirks of verbal expression worth adopting. The word treacle comes to mind. This has been a week of wading through treacle to get anything done. (Doesn’t that sound so much nastier than warm and fuzzy molasses? Except—for the record—molasses will mold, i.e. get gray and fuzzy, Read more…

Stories I Love: Shetland

The United States and I are both Cancers. That’s not an existential or political statement; we were both born in early July. If they weren’t so dog-traumatizing, I’d pretend the incessant fireworks were celebrating my arrival. (The little 4.6 earthquake we had last week was probably not in my honor either, even if it was on my birthday.) I’m sharing this not to guilt you into belated well wishes, but because a birthday gift prompted this post. Thanks to the wonderful hubby, we are currently re-watching Seasons 1 and 2 of Shetland, an ITV adaptation of the Ann Cleeves books. Read more…

Seriously, June Already? (For Five More Minutes)

So last night, standing at my computer, I had one of those moments. You know the ones, where you suddenly have no clue what you’re supposed to be doing. Not in an existential, meaning of life sense. In a where did I put my keys? sense. I often have those moments passing from one room to the next, but I couldn’t blame an evil, brain-robbing threshold this time. Maybe I could blame the moth I’d just chased around the room, at length and unsuccessfully. (Though it disappeared behind the couch, one of my ears remained attuned for thump-thump-thumps to resume Read more…

Evidence that The Outside World Still Exists

Anyone else out there struggling with days of the week? I’ll be honest—since I work from home at a vocation that doesn’t much respect the idea of a “weekend,” it’s a crapshoot for me most mornings until I open the calendar on my computer. That red circle highlighting the date seems to mock me (this is TODAY, puny human incapable of accurately measuring the passage of time). It turns out, Today is Friday. (She says, racing to write a blog post!) Shortly after giving my calendar the finger this morning (let’s see you do that, fancy zeroes and ones), I Read more…

Thank You! And Last Chance for a Buck Box Set

Didn’t I just post something last week? Why, yes, I did. But I have something to share that can’t wait. Thank you. Thank you, Reader Peeps (and BookBub and other awesome advertisers) for helping make the first Sydney Brennan Box Set an Amazon Bestseller in PI Mysteries this week. 😱 I know! I didn’t expect it, either. But I am very grateful. And if you need to add any of the first three Sydney Brennan books to your ereader (Back to Lazarus, Secrets in Stockbridge, and The Perils of Panacea), you can still grab the Box Set for a buck today. It goes Read more…